Kindergarten Program

Sample Kindergarten Schedule

Morning Arrival

  • 7:00-7:15 am – Early Bird Program in Cafeteria
  • 7:15-7:45 am — Early Bird Program in the gym
  • After 7:50 am — Parents must personally sign in the student at the front office and then escort him/her to the classroom.


  • 3:15 pm (M, Tu, Th, F)
  • 2:00 pm (Wednesday)

Students will be checked in to ECP if parent is late to carpool and regular charges will apply.


The kindergarten curriculum allows for growth in these important developmental areas:

  • Intellectual – in order for children to think, understand, react, problem-solve, create, and verbalize
  • Social-Emotional – in order for children to develop positive attitudes and habits, grow in self-esteem, and develop a sense of responsibility as they cooperate and work together
  • Physical – in order for children to participate successfully in activities requiring eye-hand coordination and fine and gross motor control
  • Spiritual  – in order for children to have a foundation in faith that introduces them to and heightens their relationship with God and His gifts to us through an atmosphere of beauty, wonder, and love.

Classroom Policies

  • Uniforms — Kindergarten students wear uniforms each day.
  • Morning Snack — Parents must send in a nutritious snack daily. NO CANDY!
  • Lunch  — No peanut butter or peanut products are allowed in kindergarten. Sun butter is allowed.
  • Birthdays — Birthdays are very special for kindergarten students. Summer birthdays will be celebrated throughout the year, and each student will have the opportunity to celebrate their birthday by selecting an option from the Birthday Choice Board.
  • Show and Tell — Each day a different student will have the honor of bringing in a show and tell. It does not have to match the letter or theme of the week, but mementos from special trips or events, favorite books, etc. are encouraged. Show and tell is an oral language development activity.
  • Star StudentAll children will be “Star Student” for one week during the year to build a sense of community and friendship among the children and to boost each child’s self-esteem. Each child is asked to create a poster with pictures of the child, family members, pets, special events in the child’s life, etc. In class, there will be an oral language lesson for and about the Star Student.
  • Report cards   —  These are distributed in October, January, and May. The grading scale used is S= Secure, D= Developing, B=Beginning, I =Insufficient progress, X= not assessed at this time.

Parent/Teacher Communication

  • Daily Folders
  • Thursday Folders
  • FACTS Family Portal
  • Weekly Class Newsletter
  • Conference Days
  • Email

Classroom Rules

  1. Do one’s best work.
  2. Keep hands and feet to oneself.
  3. Listen to the teacher and follow directions.
  4. Wait one’s turn to speak.
  5. Respect other people’s feelings and property.
  6. Always walk in the classroom and hallways.
  7. Use bathroom manners.

Behavior Management

The basis of kindergarten is building self-esteem. Kindergarten discipline emphasizes positive reinforcement and positive feedback.

At OLA, the kindergarten teachers follow the Responsibility-Centered Discipline model to guide students to become intrinsically motivated. This model is based on core concepts for developing responsible students. The teachers coach students through challenging moments by setting clear expectations, explaining the benefits of the change in behavior, and making the child an active participant in identifying how the change can be made. While coaching, teachers remind students of our school promise, which states that as a school we will show respect to all and consistently try to be the best versions of ourselves.


Formal art class is taught twice each week in addition to the daily activities provided in the classroom.

Students visit the library once a week. Kindergarten children do check out books. Families are encouraged to use the public library to familiarize their student with the magic of reading and the great variety of books that are available.

Students have music twice a week.  In addition, the classrooms have musical instruments and age-appropriate C.D.s for daily music activities.

Physical Education
Students have P.E. twice a week.

Kindergarten students receive Spanish lessons once each week.

Technology is incorporated through the kindergarten curriculum, and students go to the computer lab once each week. The teachers check out iPads weekly, and students regularly use the SmartBoard in the classroom.

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